#441: Normalizing Mental Health For Entrepreneurs With Gabby Bernstein

Published: March 10, 2022, 8:01 a.m.

b'Ways to improve your mental health, reduce anxiety, and be happy\\nHave you ever thought about what it would feel like to wake up each morning without any anxiety whatsoever?\\xa0\\nSounds pretty incredible, I must say. But for so many entrepreneurs, waking up without any stress or fear about what\\u2019s ahead is nothing short of a pipe dream. Owning a business is hard work, and at times can 100% make you feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.\\xa0\\nI\\u2019m sure you can relate to this feeling. I know I can, and have in the past.\\xa0\\nBut here\\u2019s the thing. The stress, fear, and anxiety that you experience is only getting in the way of your success in business. And let\\u2019s be real for a second here. Is it even worth trading your happiness for success? For me, it\\u2019s definitely not, and I tend to be an anxious person.\\xa0\\nThat\\u2019s why I absolutely adore my guest in this episode -- because time and time again, I\\u2019ve come back to her strategies to find balance emotionally and spiritually.\\nHer name is Gabby Bernstein, and she\\u2019s been helping people find a sense of freedom and inner peace for the past 16 years.\\xa0\\nShe\\u2019s a New York Times best-selling author of eight books, and host of her own podcast, Dear Gabby, where she helps guests become the happiest versions of themselves in real-time.\\nBut what\\u2019s really special about Gabby is that she doesn\\u2019t just talk the talk, she\\u2019s walked the walk, too. Her own struggles with addiction and depression are what fueled her to align with her true purpose and become a much better version of herself.\\xa0\\nIn this episode, you\\u2019ll learn:\\xa0\\n\\nSelf-regulation techniques for working through anxiety\\n\\nMindset shifts that will help you transform your thoughts\\n\\nWays to identify negative patterns and how to change them\\n\\nHow Gabby has used her own struggles to become stronger\\n\\nI hope you love this interview as much as I did and take away some strategies on how you can make waking up without anxiety your reality.\\nHere\\u2019s a glance at this episode...\\n\\n[07:32] With entrepreneurs, there\'s often a lot of doing and less being. Some of this is from being inspired, but some of it can be from feelings of inadequacy or worry.\\xa0\\n\\n[10:55] One self-regulation technique is to be aware of what\'s happening with yourself internally. Breathing can help with this.\\n\\n[12:56] Another technique you can practice is to create grounding with your right hand on your heart. Close your eyes and breathe, inhale and exhale slowly.\\xa0\\n\\n[20:57] In order to identify patterns that make us unhappy, we must become a witness to the patterns. Take notice of what triggers you, and how you respond.\\xa0\\n\\n[24:50] Gabby\'s journey through her work and trauma recovery is the basis of Happy Days. Being a workaholic was really taking her down, but after continuously asking herself why, she started cracking into painful discomfort.\\n\\n[30:28] Trauma has been given shame, so people minimize it. We all have trauma that still shows up in our lives now. It\\u2019s important to address it, and get out of the toxic cycle of trigger, fear, and acting out.\\n\\n[38:25] Biggest takeaway: We should all have compassion for ourselves and the people around us.\\n\\nRate, Review, & Follow on Apple Podcasts\\n"I love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy." <-- If that sounds like you, please consider rating and reviewing my show! This helps me support more people -- just like you -- move toward the online life and business that they desire. Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select \\u201cWrite a Review.\\u201d Then be sure to let me know what you loved most about the episode!\\nAlso, if you haven\\u2019t done so already, follow the podcast. I\\u2019m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the feed and, if you\\u2019re not following, there\\u2019s a good chance you\\u2019ll miss out. Follow now!'