#41: 3 Lessons I Learned in 2014

Published: Dec. 4, 2014, 3:31 p.m.

b'On this episode of the\\xa0Online Marketing Made Easy Podcast, we are going to dive into a new way of goal-setting and business planning.\\nNow if you follow my content, you already know that I am a bit of a fanatic when it comes to planning for the New Year.\\nI love it!\\xa0I love new beginnings. I love looking back on the year, examining what worked and what did not work and then building something new or improved from there.\\xa0I am going to cover 3 Lessons from this year that I am taking into the New Year. Some of them were easy lessons to learn, some not so easy.\\nSo let\\u2019s go ahead and dive in!\\nLesson #1: If you don\\u2019t build in the margin now, you will struggle to find it all year.\\nMargin is all about finding time to breath, to be creative, and taking time away from the computer to recharge.\\xa0Margin allows you to be better when you return and dive into your big projects. Finding margin is\\xa0easier said than done and in this episode we are going to talk about ways to make it actually happen!\\xa0In this lesson I will also share with you how you can use an at-a-glance wall calendar to see the pockets of margin in advance.\\nLesson #2: Build a team around your core skills.\\nWe all know that building a team is crucial for longterm success.\\xa0In this lesson I suggest a different way to approach your next hiring decision - one that will help you do more of what you love. Building\\xa0your team is one of the most important steps you may take in the new year - this lesson will help you do it better.\\nLesson #3: Add some soul to your goal-setting experience.\\nI realized that goals without the "why" are empty promises, meaningless in fact. They can quickly deplete your energy, make you feel unproductive, create massive overwhelm and suck the creativity right out of you.\\xa0Who wants to feel like that? In 2015, I am changing things up - I am approaching this whole goal-setting thing differently and starting with the WHY.\\nThese 3 lessons are exactly why I am so passionate about helping you change your goal-setting experience. I want your new goals to move you forward, invite in new opportunities and make you feel fully alive. In my journey to a more meaningful goal-setting experience, I was introduced to\\xa0Michael Hyatt\\u2019s goal setting philosophy.\\nHe also believes in starting with the\\xa0WHY, getting to the root of what we really want and focusing on what matters most.\\nRight now and for the next week or so, Michael will be releasing a video series on goal-setting - it\\u2019s totally free and 100% aligned with creating a more powerful goal-setting experience.\\nI encourage you to check it out! He put a lot of effort and time in this series and it shows.\\xa0It\\u2019s quality stuff.\\nYou can check out his free goal setting trainings at\\xa0www.AmyPorterfield.com/Goals\\xa0but only for a very short time, so don\\u2019t wait to check it out!\\nKey Takeaways:\\nThe three lessons I learned this year that you too can apply to your planning process as you get ready for the new year.\\n#1:\\xa0Build margin into your year\\xa0IN ADVANCE.\\xa0Don\\u2019t wait to find pockets of time that you can take off - be intentional about this time and protect it with your life.\\n#2:\\xa0Get strategic about your hiring plans and build a team around your\\xa0SKILL SETS\\xa0- find that one person or the people that will accentuate your skill sets and talents.\\n#3:\\xa0Create goals with more meaning. Specifically, identify the WHY\\xa0before you set your big goals for the new year. Don\\u2019t set any goals that you don\\u2019t identify\\xa0WHY\\xa0you really want it.'