#313: How To Find The Right Business Mentor

Published: April 30, 2020, 7:01 a.m.

b"\\u201cA mentor is someone who sees more talent and ability within you than you see in yourself, and helps bring it out of you.\\u201d - Bob Proctor\\nAmen, Mr. Proctor!\\nI am a firm believer in studying and learning from mentors who have gone before you and have succeeded and created a life and business similar to the one you dream of creating.\\nWhen I was first starting out, I relied on and invested in mentors to support me with the step-by-step guidance they\\u2019ve used to achieve results.\\nAnd the truth is, I still do to this day!\\nIt\\u2019s important to find a mentor who aligns with your vision and the goals that you have set for your business.\\nIn this episode, I talk about\\u2026\\n\\nwhy mentors are important during every season of your business\\n\\nthe golden number of mentors you should study and learn from\\n\\nthe difference between working with a mentor one-on-one, in a mastermind, or online through a course they offer\\n\\nhow to know which one is best for you and your business\\n\\nHere\\u2019s what this episode is all about...\\n\\n[04:11] I get it! When starting out, it's so easy to follow 100 or more people you admire and consider each and every one a mentor. But here\\u2019s my tip to you (coming from years of experience), you want to keep it simple and keep your mentors to a minimum to build a successful business.\\n\\n[06:52] Having only two or three mentors allows you to build trust and cultivate relationships with these people. Taking advice from too many mentors will stunt your business growth.\\n\\n[08:59] Having trouble narrowing it down? Don\\u2019t worry, I have a little guidance for you. Write a list of all the people who you believe are your mentors and all the people you admire. Decide who on the list has succeeded at creating a life and a business that you would like to create. Start eliminating names, so you are left with only a few people who truly align with your business desires and goals.\\n\\n[10:52] Once you have your list of potential mentors, study from them and learn from them. Let their guidance, their content, their tools, and courses guide you.\\n\\n[15:40] You\\u2019re probably wondering about working with a mentor. And, to be honest, that\\u2019s one of the best things I could possibly do as an entrepreneur. I\\u2019ve found that there are benefits to group masterminds and working one-on-one with a coach. When working one-on-one, you'll have an opportunity to identify tasks specific to your vision. However, it can be expensive. I suggest you do a digital course first and then decide if you want to take it one step further with one-on-one coaching.\\n\\n[19:50] I\\u2019ve found that masterminds are especially beneficial later on in your business. Paying for it when you have skin in the game is a whole new experience -- trust me. What I love most about masterminds is that you get feedback and ideas from other like-minded individuals. A mastermind can truly offer you so much clarity as an entrepreneur.\\n\\nFinding the right mentor in such a busy world is essential and empowering, but it can also be frustrating if you aren\\u2019t sure what to look for!\\nTo take the overwhelm out of finding a mentor who is going to guide you and show you a seamless step-by-step approach to succeeding in your industry, I\\u2019ve put together a freebie with five questions to help you get hyper clear on who is a good fit.\\nRate, Review, & Subscribe on Apple Podcasts\\n\\u201cI love Amy and Online Marketing Made Easy.\\u201d"