#219: How to Use Instagram Stories to Grow Your Email List with Tyler McCall

Published: July 12, 2018, 7:01 a.m.

b"Today you\\u2019re going to learn how to use one of the fastest growing social platforms, Instagram Stories, to build your email list, without using the Swipe Up feature.\\xa0\\nI don't know about you, but Instagram is by far my favorite social media platform. Mostly because I love Instagram Stories but also because I think the connections on Instagram feel more real than any other social platform.\\nIf you are on Instagram then you've probably either recorded an Instagram story yourself, viewed one--or several (they are completely addictive), or you've heard someone else talk about Instagram Stories and you weren't really sure what the heck they were talking about.\\nI had the pleasure of interviewing Tyler J. McCall, an Instagram Marketing Strategist, who has found great success in growing his email list through Instagram Stories. He shared tons of valuable insight, tips and strategies that you will be able to implement starting today!\\xa0And, don\\u2019t worry, as I mentioned earlier this strategy has nothing to do with the Swipe Up feature, which requires you have 10,000 followers to use.\\nSo whether you\\u2019re familiar with Instagram Stories or not, we\\u2019ve got you covered here! Let\\u2019s first dive into the basics around Instagram Stories and then we\\u2019ll go ALL in on strategies to grow your email list via this platform!\\xa0\\nWHAT IS AN INSTAGRAM STORY?\\nHow Stories are different than a post in your regular Instagram feed is that the content goes away after 24 hours unless you add it as an Instagram Story highlight in your profile, which is a whole different episode!\\nWHY YOU SHOULD BE USING INSTAGRAM STORIES IN YOUR BUSINESS:\\nTyler tells us that Instagram Stories are taking over as the content of choice, and Instagram likes this, because it gives them another place to run ads.\\xa0And as business owners, Instagram ads are a very powerful tool, as well. And let me tell you, Instagram Story ads are converting really well for my business right now!\\nIn order to grow your email list through Instagram Stories (we\\u2019ll get to that strategy in a minute), you first need to know how to create high quality Instagram Stories that people want to watch. Here\\u2019s a quick rundown, but make sure to tune in to the episode for all the details!\\n\\nCreate your Stories with purpose and intention\\n\\nUse a good mix of personal and business (Tyler shares information about his business in his Stories, but he also shares his shopping trips to Target! Yes, he loves to walk the aisles and point out some of his favorite products!)\\n\\nUtilize a beginning, middle, and an end to your Story. Just like your elementary school teacher taught you! Download this great 2-page worksheet \\u201cThe Story Arc Method\\u201d to work through an exercise Tyler put together for you to up your Instagram Story game!\\n\\n\\u201cNever let the dashes turn into dots!\\u201d I love how Tyler put this, regarding being careful to not create painfully long Stories.\\xa0\\n\\nI asked Tyler how he always has AMAZING light for his Stories and he shared two tips that money can\\u2019t buy!!\\n\\nUse captioning in your Stories for people who want to consume your content but don\\u2019t use audio. Tyler said that this technique will help keep retention high, too.\\n\\nDrive interaction with Instagram features like polls and DM conversations. Engage with your followers!\\n\\nHow to Grow Your Email List Using Instagram Stories Without Using the Swipe Up Feature\\nI\\u2019ve found that it\\u2019s helpful for me to actually create a task in Asana (my project management tool), to check my DMs daily, and that\\u2019s working well at this point.\\nSo here\\u2019s what I want you to do, download and work through this 2-page worksheet that Tyler created for you and don\\u2019t spend another minute on Instagram without intention and purpose.\\nA great big thank you to Tyler for providing such great step-by-step teaching in this interview!\\nTyler and I would both love to hear from you in our DMs! I\\u2019m @amyporterfield and he\\u2019s @tylerjmccall.\\nAll my best,\\nAmy\\nThis episode is brought to you by: LBL"