#174: 3 Hacks to Help You Get More Done in Less Time

Published: Aug. 31, 2017, 4 p.m.

b'When it comes to\\xa0working smarter and not harder, you know the conventional wisdom: Manage your time, take breaks, get enough sleep, tackle the big projects when you feel the most focused, and the list goes on.\\n You know all this stuff, but\\xa0why is it so hard to act on it? And even if you are applying some of those strategies (which are all good), you still find yourself with more work than you can possibly get done in a single day.\\n Enter Carey Bentley.\\xa0She\\u2019s a productivity and accountability expert. Along with her husband, Demir, they founded Lifehack Bootcamp, a program designed to get you working more efficiently so you can create the lifestyle you want.\\n Now, Carey and Demir weren\\u2019t always experts at this\\u2014in fact, they once were raging workaholics, but they had to figure out another way because the way they were working was literally affecting their health.\\n Their secret is practice\\u2014hard, intentional, sweaty practice. You know, the way pro athletes practice. So think of productivity less like a class where you\\u2019re studying to pass an exam and more like a craft that you\\u2019re working to get better at all the time.\\n Here\\u2019s what you\\u2019ll learn:\\n \\nThe four phases of productivity\\xa0and why you\\u2019re ultimately shooting to be like LeBron James. (Check those out at 11:54)\\n \\nThe four layers of accountability\\u2014with a coach, with a team, with a buddy, with your community\\u2014where you are closing off all escape routes by making yourself feel the pressure from all sides. (Carey starts to break down those levels at 16:19)\\n \\nHow to create a \\u201cChampagne Moment\\u201d\\xa0that literally has you popping open a bottle every week (metaphorically, but you can take that literally too!).\\n Download this week\\u2019s freebie\\xa0for a step-by-step walkthrough of this process. (You can think about your own moment at 15:18).\\n You\\u2019ll also hear Carey and I talk about\\xa0the five limiting mindsets\\xa0(OK that\\u2019s just really a nice way to say \\u201cexcuses\\u201d) people adopt to NOT get things done. Have you ever complained about not having enough time or having too much on your plate? Yeah, me too. It\\u2019s time to shut that down. Carey and I talk about the first two on the show. You can get all five (and the \\u201cChampagne Moment\\u201d exercise) by downloading this week\\u2019s freebie.\\n No more procrastinating\\u2014time to move forward.\\n And as if this isn\\u2019t enough, Carey grabbed her hubby, Demir, and filmed an extra special video for your eyes only on steps to beat decision fatigue.'