#110: Beating Facebooks Algorithm - and More Facebook Ad Tips with Rick Mulready

Published: May 19, 2016, 4 p.m.

b'Are you getting the most out of your Facebook ad efforts?\\nAs promised in\\xa0episode 104, my good friend Rick Mulready is back and we are continuing the conversation about Facebook ads.\\xa0This week we tackle\\xa0how to make your Facebook ads work for you, how you can leverage Facebook algorithms, and a couple of online advertising fundamentals that cannot be overlooked.\\nYour Questions This Week:\\n\\nIf my ad is getting results, can I use the same ad for different launches?\\n\\nAre conversions for Facebook ads lower on weekends?\\n\\nShould I ramp up my ad Facebook ad budget in the days before my webinar?\\n\\nAre Lookalike Audiences on Facebook be effective?\\n\\nI\\u2019m not converting leads. What am I doing wrong?\\n\\nDo you have any tips for writing irresistible and compelling ad copy?\\n\\nThe insights provided in this episode will immediately help you focus your Facebook ads and scale your audience. To get started,\\xa0click here.\\nThese questions are from entrepreneurs just like you who are in the trenches, building your audience, and are navigating the ins and outs of Facebook advertising.\\nBy the way\\u2014if you aren\\u2019t familiar with Facebook algorithms and how they work\\u2014KEEP READING (or better yet:\\xa0Start listening!). Rick\\u2019s knowledge on this topic could dramatically change how you approach your campaigns.\\nFor example, can you use the same ad for different launches?\\xa0Sure. However, there are some guidelines to follow if you do this. Rick gives such an awesome answer that includes being careful about how much time has passed since you last ran the ad.\\nHis response is a prime example of how Facebook algorithms can work for or against you.\\xa0Listen in\\xa0as Rick shares how to be sure to make these algorithms work for you.\\nI\\u2019m not converting leads. What am I doing wrong?\\nThere\\u2019s no magic answer, which is a little stressful, I know. However, Rick provides a strategy for finding the answer that\\u2019s right for your outcome. So, you\\u2019ll find hope as he walks you through how to diagnose where your leads are going off-track.\\nThose are just two teaser Q&As, but\\xa0listen here\\xa0to hear them all.\\nAs we near the end of our episode, Rick and I tackle how to write compelling copy for Facebook ads. Here\\u2019s what you will gain from listening in:\\n\\nWhat you might be focusing on vs. what you should focus on.\\n\\nHow to write ad copy to attract your ideal audience.\\n\\nStrategies for learning what your ideal audience member wants to hear from you.\\n\\nI love the takeaways in this episode and I know you will find them extremely advantageous for your business,\\xa0so let\\u2019s get listening!'