Ep 32 - What the Heck is Cryptocurrency? All Q's Answered w/ Janine Grainger

Published: July 12, 2020, 7 p.m.

b'You might see the word cryptocurrency and instantly register you won\\u2019t understand so tap out of this episode - Here\\u2019s why that\\u2019s a bad idea \\u270c\\U0001f3fd
After recording this episode with Janine, I came to realise how increasingly prevalent cryptocurrencies are in NZ (as well as well implemented globally) \\u2728 To me, I saw them as this big scary unknown - but it\\u2019s actually extremely interesting and after reflection has a lot of benefits.
I\\u2019ll leave it up to you to decide but definitely watch out for Monday\\u2019s episode! Janine Grainger is the co-founder of @easycrypto.ai . An online platform allowing kiwis to buy and sell a range of cryptocurrencies. You may of heard of Bitcoin for example - that is a type of cryptocurrency.
Janine is amazing and completely broke this topic down in an approachable and easy to understand way. Janine also touches on the importance of online scams etc which I think is incredibly relevant! Can\\u2019t wait for you all to listen.'