Jonah 4:3 Why Jonah Wanted God to Kill Him

Published: Oct. 19, 2017, 8:13 p.m.

b'At the very beginning of our study of Jonah, we encountered two questions about Jonah\\u2019s strange behavior in the book. When asked by God to go preach judgment against the evil city of Nineveh, Jonah instead got on a boat and headed to Tarshish.
\\nThe first question, then, was, \\u201cWhy would Jonah go to Tarshish instead of obey God and preach judgment against his enemies, the Ninevites?\\u201d
\\nAnd then Jonah\\u2019s behavior got even stranger. It seemed that Jonah had a death wish. Through his words and actions in Jonah 1\\u20132, Jonah made it quite clear that he wanted to die. He had a death wish.
\\nSo the second question was \\u201cWhy does Jonah want to die?\\u201d
\\nIn this study of Jonah 4:3, we finally discover the answer to both questions. And the answer is shocking. So shocking, in fact, most fail to see it. But I will point it out to you in this study.
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