Weekly Roundup 09/01/23 (SEC loses vs Grayscale, Impact Theory implications) (EP.447)

Published: Aug. 31, 2023, 10:26 p.m.


Matt and Nic are back for another week of news and deals. In this episode:\\xa0

  • Tether is actually the most interventionist stablecoin when it comes to freezing
  • Should we be bullish on PYUSD?\\xa0
  • Why stablecoin data shows meaningful utility for public blockchains\\xa0
  • Is the idea of a \'crypto generalist\' dead?\\xa0
  • The meaning of the SEC\'s loss in court to Grayscale
  • Why the SEC was \'arbitrary and capricious\'
  • The SEC\'s blunder over their approval of Futs ETFs
  • The SEC\'s possible options\\xa0
  • Our guesses for how the SEC reacts to their loss
  • The SEC delays other pending spot ETFs
  • The SEC wins against Impact Theory
  • \\xa0Why the case against Impact Theory could implicate a lot of other NFT projects\\xa0
  • Uniswap wins a class action case\\xa0
  • What does the SEC\'s case against Binance being under seal mean?\\xa0

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