Weekly News Roundup 09/04/20 (Armageddon II, Activist token investors, emergent effects of high fees) (EP.121)

Published: Sept. 4, 2020, 9 a.m.


Nic and Matt return with deals and news of the weak. In this episode:\\xa0

  • Nic and Matt happen to buy the same book
  • Nic\'s article on why the US should embrace stablecoins and credibly neutral crypto-financial infrastructure
  • Our theory on why NYDFS went after Tether
  • Can the US successfully disrupt itself as the administrator of financial infrastructure?
  • Coinbase IPO prospects
  • Coinshares adds transparency to their Bitcoin ETN and the prospects for Proofs of Reserves
  • How Proofs of Reserves can ward off regulation
  • Arca takes an activist stance towards Gnosis
  • What recourse do jilted tokenholders have?
  • Publicly traded energy companies are mining Bitcoin with stranded natural gas
  • Matt\'s suggestion for a Bitcoin-themed sequel to Armageddon
  • The single most impactful way you can help Bitcoin
  • Nic\'s theory about the effect of a fee-transaction count oscillation on Ethereum
  • How fees are a regressive tax on users

Content mentioned in this episode:\\xa0
