Steven Goldfeder (Offchain Labs) on Building Arbitrum (EP.351)

Published: Sept. 19, 2022, 10 a.m.


Steven Goldfeder is\\xa0Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Offchain Labs, the team building Arbitrum. In this episode we discuss:\\xa0
  • Steven\'s academic background, and his work at Princeton University.\\xa0
  • BlockSci, an early blockchain forensics/search product that Steven co-founded.\\xa0
  • The evolution of MPC custody and the exciting developments in that category.\\xa0
  • The Flash Boys 2.0 paper and the current state of MEV.\\xa0
  • Steven\'s views on the evolution of L1 smart contract platforms and how L2 scaling is shaping up.\\xa0
  • The design choices and considerations that went into the choice of optimistic vs. zero-knowledge rollups on Arbitrum.\\xa0
  • The future of ZK systems on blockchains.\\xa0
To learn more about Arbitrum and follow Steven visit