Paolo Fragomeni (Socket Supply Co) on the Definition of web3 (EP.306)

Published: April 13, 2022, 10 a.m.


Socket Supply Co founder and CEO Paolo Fragomeni joins the show to discuss what web3 is and isn\'t \\u2013 and what it should be. In this episode:\\xa0

  • Paolo\'s start writing modem software and BBS in the pre-modern web days\\xa0
  • What delineated web 1.0 from web 2.0
  • The single request that really made web 2.0 possible\\xa0
  • How today\'s web is limited by incumbents\\xa0
  • When did web 3.0 really emerge? What distinguishes it from 2.0?\\xa0
  • Best definitions of web3?\\xa0
  • State of the web in terms of centralization and prospects from here\\xa0
  • How the internet has flip flopped between centralization and decentralization\\xa0
  • What will push users towards web3?\\xa0
  • Moxie\'s comments on web3 and whether they have any merit\\xa0
  • What Paolo is building at Socket Supply\\xa0
  • Why p2p is so fundamental\\xa0
  • How to get started with Socket Supply\\xa0

Read about Socket Supply in Coindesk and on their website.\\xa0

Intro/outro music: Ocarina #986 (used with permission)\\xa0
