OTB Live! Weekly Roundup 09/23/22 (EU's MiCA regulation finalized, XRP lawsuit, SEC dings Balina, Audience Q&A) (EP.352)

Published: Sept. 23, 2022, 10 a.m.


Nic and Matt sit down for a special live recording of OTB in front of an audience at the Boston Blockchain Week. In this episode:\\xa0

  • Ian Balina is dinged by the SEC for Sparkster
  • The SEC\\u2019s weird argument for standing over all of Ethereum
  • Is XRP a prediction market on Ripple\\u2019s case against the SEC
  • Wintermute is hacked for $160m via a bad vanity generator
  • Several Senators file an amicus brief to support Custodia\\u2019s lawsuit against the Fed
  • What the Congressional crypto agenda should look like
  • Europe finalizes their MiCA regulation
  • Europe discourages Dollar stablecoin usage in the EU
  • Exchanges and token issuers in the EU will have to make disclosures
  • Jesse Powell steps down from Kraken
  • NASDAQ is launching a crypto custody business
  • Helium strikes a deal with T Mobile
  • Audience Q&A

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