Alex Svanevik (Nansen) on extracting signal from on-chain noise (EP.240)

Published: Sept. 6, 2021, 10 a.m.


We welcome Alex Svanevik, CEO of\\\\xa0to On the Brink to provide color on Nansen\'s unique approach to on-chain data and analysis. We discuss:

  • The evolution of Nansen from a wallet labelling tool to an end-to-end analytics platform

  • How Nansen provides actionable insights from its analysis of individual addresses, transactions, and contracts

  • Nansen\'s process to scale the collection of individual wallet level data over time

  • Specific ways end-users are leveraging Nansen to make data-driven NFT investments

  • And more broadly, the application of AI to the analysis of blockchain data

You can learn more about the company and its offerings at\\\\xa0and the company\'s\\xa0YouTube\\xa0channel.
