11: On Deadly Ground

Published: June 8, 2022, 6 a.m.

b"Steven Seagal is one of the biggest action stars of the '90s, starring in some of the biggest action films of the decade. He ended up dropping off the radar completely in the early 2000s, being relegated to the Walmart bargain bins and truck stop DVD corners. Mainstream action fans all but forget his talents, but no longer.

The Kulturecast's Chris Stachiw and film critic Trevor Gumbel continue their journey with a look at one of Seagal's final theatrical films: On Deadly Ground. Starring Seagal as an expert at putting out oil fires, he must take down the greedy Michael Caine and his goons who are trying to open a new oil refinery. It's also directed by Seagal, so there's that.

On Seagal is on iTunes, Google Play, and all podcatcher apps; leave a review! If you want to find more episodes, head on over to onseagal dot com. Follow Chris on Twitter @casualty_chris, Trevor @caseneuromancer, and the podcast @onseagal."