Man found biggest meteorite in U.S. history ... on his neighbors land

Published: Sept. 15, 2023, 2 p.m.

b'IT WAS GETTING toward the end of the summer of 1902, and West Linn resident Ellis Hughes was getting worried.\\n\\nHis neighbor, William Dale, had traveled back to Eastern Oregon to sell some land he owned there. With the proceeds, Dale and Hughes planned to buy a piece of property next to the Hughes farm. \\n\\nThe property belonged to the Oregon Iron and Steel Co., which wasn\\u2019t really doing anything with it and which Hughes was pretty sure would be happy to sell \\u2026 unless, of course, they found out why he wanted to buy it.\\n\\nBecause earlier in the summer, while trespassing on it, Hughes had stumbled across the biggest meteorite that has ever been found on American soil, before or since, lying half-buried in a remote and thickly forested part of it. (West Linn, Clackamas County; 1900s) (For text and pictures, see'