A Conversation With Sarah Ruhl

Published: Oct. 27, 2021, 5 a.m.


Sarah Ruhl is an award-winning writer whose play\\xa0Eurydice\\xa0has been turned into an opera at Lincoln Center.\\xa0\\xa0Ruhl\\xa0is also a Pulitzer Prize finalist and a Tony Award nominee for her play\\xa0In the Next Room (or the Vibrator Play).\\xa0After Ruhl gave birth to twins, a hospital worker noticed that Ruhl\\u2019s left eye was droopy. That turned out to be a 10-year battle with a paralyzed face. We talk about the sadness of not being able to smile and the joy of working in the theater again. \\u201cNow What?\\u201d is produced with the help of Steve Zimmer, Annika Hoiem and Alex Wolfe. Audio production is by Nick CIavatta.

Photo credit is Greg Constanzo.
