A Conversation With Ricki Lake

Published: Dec. 8, 2021, 6 a.m.


Ricki Lake\\u2019s career took off when she was 19 and starred as Tracy Turnblad in John waters\\u2019 cult film Hairspray..\\xa0Lake played a high school student whose hair was so big that\\xa0\\xa0the kid who sat in back of her complained that he couldn\\u2019t see the teacher. Lake went on to host a talk show that lasted for 11 seasons. Now she makes documentaries about women\\u2019s health. Her latest one is called\\xa0The Business of Birth Control. We talk about the art of reinventing yourself and all the twists and turns Ricki Lake\\u2019s life has taken. "Now What?" is produced with the help of Steve Zimmer, Annika Hoiem and Alex Wolfe. Audio production is by\\xa0 Nick Ciavatta.
