A Conversation With John Waters

Published: May 24, 2022, 1:40 p.m.


He\\u2019s known as the Prince of Puke. John Waters\\u2019 film\\xa0Pink Flamingos\\xa0starring Divine is about a woman who\\u2019s competing for the title of Filthiest Person Alive. In\\xa0Multiple Maniacs\\xa0Divine gets sexually assaulted by a giant lobster. Waters\\u2019 films like\\xa0Hairspray\\xa0and\\xa0Cecil B. Demented\\xa0have become cult classics. Waters may be a counter culture hero but he\\u2019s also a successful brand. His latest work is a novel called\\xa0Liarmouth.\\xa0\\xa0I talk to John Waters about being an oddball and why he draws on his moustache. \\u201cNow What\\u201d is produced with the help of Steve Zimmer, Gabe Zimmer and Annika Hoiem. Audio production is by Nick Ciavatta.
