A Conversation With Avi Loeb

Published: Oct. 3, 2023, 1:58 p.m.


Avi Loeb is probably the\\xa0most famous practicing astronomer in the country.\\xa0He\\u2019s the founding director of Harvard University\\u2019s Black Hole Initiative and\\xa0was the longest-serving chair of Harvard\\u2019s Department of Astronomy.\\xa0Now, Loeb is\\xa0also one of the most controversial astronomers in the country. In 2018, he proposed that an object named Oumuamua that had been detected by a telescope in Maui may have been a probe from an alien civilization. Earlier this year,\\xa0Loeb claimed to have recovered material from an interstellar meteor that could be evidence of an alien starship.\\xa0Some of Loeb\\u2019s colleagues accuse him of making wild and sensational claims. So, what do you think? \\u201cNow What?\\u201d is produced with help from Steve Zimmer, Lucy Little and Patrick McAndrew. Audio production is by Nick Ciavatta. \\xa0
