Naked Bongo man

Published: Oct. 30, 2020, 1:46 a.m.

If you want a free sticker or magnet, reach out to us on social media or send us a DM. all we ask in return is that you send us a picture of where you put the sticker! It helps us a bunch if you subscribe to the show on iTunes or wherever you get your podcast, also like us on all social media @nothinginmodpod. You can find all of our links here and Travis are a bit late, due in part to Travis being on vacation, Mikes lack of planning and the combined lack of equipment for remote interviews. But Better late than never, or whatever. We start out by Travis giving us a breakdown of his vacation, the guys talk about new electric engines for any car, play trash or treasure and close out talking about the scary movies they've watched for the 31 days of Halloween.  *theme music from @Copyright Free Music on YouTube*