Episode #9: Car Sickness, Psychological Manipulation, and Smoking Ganja (feat. Taylor Noblett)

Published: Sept. 10, 2020, 2 p.m.


Today is a figurative and literally \\u201cyou\\u2019re doing great sweaty\\u201d packed episode. Outside it\\u2019s 120 degrees and the both the AC and the normal mics weren\\u2019t working so we had to use the backups. Lucas and Nick sweat profusely as they give a public cervix announcement on how Nick is a master of deception (0:8:20), complain about people who don\\u2019t pay to remove ads from music (0:13:30), and contemplate how white VW Jettas affect ones attractiveness (0:21:50). The guys are joined by their friend Taylor (@taynoblett) (0:33:40) who informs them that \\u201clegally speaking\\u201d going to Taco Bell is an iron clad legal defense, the group discusses the effects of recreational marijuana on people\\u2019s brains, and Nick and Taylor bond over being Eagle Scouts. To close the show, Lucas and Nick respond to a DM and explain how they became public accountants (1:17:10).\\xa0

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Lucas: @lucashuerta

Nick: @nwinicki
