Episode #21: Aphrodisiacs, The Victorian Fiasco, and Jake Paul (feat. Morgan Noe)

Published: Dec. 5, 2020, 6 p.m.


The boys are back and have their first ever SURPRISE guest joining the pod this week and also have Cramer and Linus in the background. They kick things off with Lucas bringing a new twist to the beginning of the show (0:01:22), Nick clears the air on a loooooot of things from last week (0:04:13), everyone falls down a rabbit hole when Lucas doesn't know what an aphrodisiac is (0:06:13),\\xa0 Lucas explains a peculiar situation he\\u2019s caught in with his dad (0:10:53), there is a rowdy discussion on everyone's cheese and FRIENDS preferences (0:17:20), Nick was trapped in the middle of a douche bag NASCAR race (0:21:32), and Lucas gives the reasoning he retired his diamond stud earrings (0:28:18). The guys are joined by Morgan Noe (@morgannnoe) (0:34:25) who is the infamous girl that Lucas (now known as the perpetrator) spilled a drink on. Morgan spills the full details on the hilarious night in question (0:36:38), weighs in on what a Lucas and Nick breakup would look like (0:43:28), and explains why girls like to say \\u201chiii\\u201d over dating apps and some of the worst "types" girls are into (0:48:36). They close out the show by bringing Cramer on the mic, Nick questions Lucas' use of lip balm (0:53:39), and they discuss the Logan Paul fight (0:54:55).
