Episode #20: Fantasy Football, Drive-In Concert, and "Hong Kong" (feat. Taylor Tiefen)

Published: Nov. 25, 2020, 6 p.m.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone! You\\u2019re welcome for the early episode by the way. Everyone\\u2019s favorite cohosts link up in Manhattan Beach to clear the air (0:05:05) and complain about fantasy football (0:01:05), Nick thinks me might in fact be becoming a "weeb" (0:08:35), Lucas is excited about his new art and Nick rains on his parade by calling it "cute" (0:09:50), neither knows what LACMA means (0:10:55), Nick talks trash about Buicks and questions what the ugliest cars on the market are (0:25:59), Lucas \\u201cwoke up and chose violence\\u201d according to Nick (1:10:59) and also went to a drive in concert (0:16:30), Nick has a near death experience (0:22:00), and both provide some crucial advice on avoiding arguments this holiday season (0:20:20). The duo is joined by Taylor Tiefen (@taylatief) (0:25:25) to discuss saving endangered animals (0:30:46), impulse trips to Hong Kong (0:44:45), the THOUSANDS of people stuck on cruise ships because of corona virus (0:52:29), and finding happiness amid 2020 (0:57:04).\\xa0

Here are some links Taylor recommend to us that support the causes we discuss on the episode: @Karmagawa @sheldricktrust @timetobeherd
