Episode #14: Soulcycle Endeavor, Oktoberfest, and BearMan Hair Care (feat. Matt Adamo & Katherine Yamamoto)

Published: Oct. 15, 2020, 4 p.m.


Happy Octoberfest ja! Lucas and Nick record live from Munich Germany (jk they\\u2019re in LA) the morning after celebrating the German festival and hitting a Soul Cycle class with this week\\u2019s guests: Katherine Yamamoto @kyammy04 and Matt Adamo @mattadamo_la. After clearing the air Nick admits that he pretends to be fancy (0:09:52), the boys discuss The Boys tv show on Amazon (0:11:22), Lucas knows exactly how to get under Nick's skin (0:13:23), everyone debates cutting people out of your life (0:23:58), is Lucas stronger than Nick??? (0:27:35), Sarg (Nick's alter-ego) is introduced (1:08:30), and Nick tells the story of his weird experience in a BevMo bathroom (0:34:11). Katherine and Matt join (0:41:04) to discuss the Soul Cycle cult (Lucas and Nick are DOWN) (0:47:57), how COVID started their relationship (0:42:59), makeup for guys and male vs female self-image fallacies\\xa0 (0:59:50),\\xa0 and Matt\\u2019s upcoming side hustle for men\\u2019s bodyhair waxing products called BearMan (coming soon) (0:55:29). Ein prost!
