Episode 81: A CLASH OF KINGS, TYRION II: "The Butchers" ft. Clint W

Published: Sept. 30, 2019, 11 a.m.

b"Hello and welcome back to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through\\xa0A\\xa0Song\\xa0of\\xa0Ice\\xa0and\\xa0Fire\\xa0one chapter a week! In this episode,\\xa0Tyrion informs Janos Slynt that the company\\u2019s moving in a different direction, but they\\u2019ll be sure to keep his resume on file.\\nThis week, we:\\n-Debate who qualifies as protagonist of each book in the series\\n-Praise how George paces Tyrion's tipping point from luring in Janos Slynt to turning on him\\n-Discuss the many ways in which Tyrion's victory is undercut, from Cersei to Bronn\\n-Take a deep dive into the layers of political meaning in Varys' riddle\\n-Put that riddle in context with the reveal of Young Griff\\nNext week: Guestember continues with our own High Inquisitor--and Stannerman supreme--Frank B for Davos I, which will be another two-parter episode! It's not our fault the Dragonstone chapters are the best!\\n\\nClint's website:\\xa0http://www.lawsoficeandfire.com/\\n\\xa0\\nClint's Laws of Ice and Fire twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/WesterosLaw\\n\\xa0\\nClint's personal twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/clintw\\n\\xa0\\nOur patreon:\\xa0www.patreon.com/NotACastASOIAF\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nOur twitter:\\xa0twitter.com/NotACastASOIAF\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nOur facebook:\\xa0www.facebook.com/groups/289889118235797/\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nOur youtube page:\\xa0www.youtube.com/channel/UCmmDfPdG\\u2026iew_as=subscriber\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nEmmett's twitter:\\xa0twitter.com/PoorQuentyn\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nJeff's twitter:\\xa0twitter.com/BryndenBFish"