Episode 27: A GAME OF THRONES, EDDARD VI: "The King's Bastard"

Published: Aug. 20, 2018, 11 a.m.

b"Hello and welcome back to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through\\xa0A Song of Ice and Fire\\xa0one chapter a week!\\nToday, Emmett and Jeff\\xa0tackle AGOT, Eddard VI in which Ned Stark has a frustrating small council session, the reader receives our first inklings of who Stannis Baratheon is and Ned visits an armorer and his apprentice who turns out to be Gendry: Robert Baratheon\\u2019s bastard.\\xa0\\nThis week, we:\\n-\\xa0Answer\\xa0a question about what era of history in Westeros or Essos and our own time we'd live in.\\n- Announce our next patreon-only episode: a character analysis of none other than King Robert Baratheon!\\n-\\xa0Get into the small council session, more players, Janos the Fuckboy, others\\n-\\xa0Stannis! Stannis! STANNIS!\\n-\\xa0Baratheon Family Dynamics\\n- Where is Robert Baratheon in all of this?\\n- Renly's knowledge of the twincest\\n- Who paid for Gendry's apprentice fee? The Amen Brothers open a detective agency and investigate\\n\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nNext week: AGOT, Eddard VI!\\n\\xa0\\nOur patreon:\\xa0https://www.patreon.com/NotACastASOIAF\\xa0\\nOur twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/NotACastASOIAF\\xa0\\nEmmett's tumblr:\\xa0http://poorquentyn.tumblr.com/\\xa0\\nEmmett's twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/PoorQuentyn\\xa0\\nJeff's twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/BryndenBFish"