Episode 106: A CLASH OF KINGS, CATELYN III: "Brotherly Love, Part 1"

Published: March 30, 2020, 11 a.m.

b"Hello and welcome back to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through\\xa0A\\xa0Song\\xa0of\\xa0Ice\\xa0and\\xa0Fire\\xa0one chapter a week!\\n\\xa0\\nIn this episode,\\xa0Catelyn Stark arrives at Storm's End and has an encounter with the one true king on the one true podcast.\\n\\xa0\\nThis week, we:\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\n\\n- Talk about why Renly didn't back Stannis\\n- Get into the type of castle Storm's End is and why it works as archetype for Stannis and Renly\\n- Stannis and Catelyn dance. More accurately, Stannis huffs, Catelyn tries to smooth things over. It doesn't work\\n- Does Stannis have a point? Is he right? Is he wrong? The Amen Brothers throw some elbows\\n- Stannis: the true sad boy of ASOIAF\\n- Is Storm's End a spaceship? We discuss\\nNext week: Stannis, Catelyn, Renly and a peach!\\nAnd we were joined by Chloe, AKA liesandarbor from the Girls Gone Canon podcast for this episode for her voice work as Lady Catelyn Stark! Find her stuff and listen to GGC!\\nChloe's podcast:\\xa0https://girlsgonecanon.podbean.com/\\n\\xa0\\nChloe's website:\\xa0https://liesandarbor.wordpress.com/\\n\\xa0\\nChloe's twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/liesandarbor\\n\\n\\xa0\\nOur patreon:\\xa0www.patreon.com/NotACastASOIAF\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nOur twitter:\\xa0twitter.com/NotACastASOIAF\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nOur facebook:\\xa0www.facebook.com/groups/289889118235797/\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nOur youtube page:\\xa0www.youtube.com/channel/UCmmDfPdG\\u2026iew_as=subscriber\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nEmmett's twitter:\\xa0twitter.com/PoorQuentyn\\n\\n\\n\\xa0\\nJeff's twitter:\\xa0twitter.com/BryndenBFish"