Episode 10: A GAME OF THRONES, Tyrion I: "Quality Family Time"

Published: April 2, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

b'Hello and welcome back to the NotACast, the one true chapter-by-chapter podcast going through\\xa0A Song of Ice and Fire\\xa0one chapter a week!\\n\\xa0\\nToday, Emmett and Jeff are pleased to present you with "Quality Family Time: An Analysis of AGOT, Tyrion I": our first chapter from the POV of Tyrion Lannister!\\n\\xa0\\nThis week, we\\xa0talk:\\n\\xa0\\n- A best-of Apple Podcast reviews\\n-\\xa0Tyrion as an anachronistic modern POV and our reader sympathies\\n-\\xa0Dysfunctional Lannisters\\n-\\xa0Detective Tyrion puzzling out Jaime and Cersei\'s involvement in Bran\'s fall\\n-\\xa0All the foreshadowing of\\xa0Tyrion vs Sandor vs Joffrey vs Cersei vs Jaime\\n-\\xa0More 1993 Letter stuff!\\n- The Winterfell Library and that book "Engines of War" and how that might play out in TWOW\\n- Is Jaime\'s fate spelled out here in Tyrion\'s first POV chapter\\n- Why Penny the Dwarf is the mirror GRRM holds up to Tyrion in ADWD and what she means to Tyrion.\\n\\xa0\\nIt\'s a goshdarn good episode\\n\\xa0\\nNext Week:\\xa0Catelyn Stark may have done something wrong: our analysis of AGOT, Jon II!\\n\\xa0\\nOur patreon:\\xa0https://www.patreon.com/NotACastASOIAF\\xa0\\nOur twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/NotACastASOIAF\\xa0\\nEmmett\'s tumblr:\\xa0http://poorquentyn.tumblr.com/\\xa0\\nEmmett\'s twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/PoorQuentyn\\xa0\\nJeff\'s twitter:\\xa0https://twitter.com/BryndenBFish'