The Way Forward

Published: Sept. 11, 2022, 4 p.m.

SORRY: We know that there is a section of today's message missing at the 5:19 mark and that this excluded some transition of understanding the opening ideas into the text we were discussing after. We believe our internet service dropped for a few minutes which cut off our recording. We apologize for the confusion. 

Keep Reading: 1 Corinthians 9, 1 Peter 2
   1. Take some time to write out and describe your training routine when it comes to strengthening your walk with Jesus.
   2. If you put the same level of effort into training for a race, how far do you think you could run?
   3. Take time to reflect and write down what your true expectations are, for you to participate in the ministry of the kingdom, or to support others who do?
   4. Have a conversation with a friend or fellow congregation member this week on what the differences are between early disciples choosing to follow Jesus and for us today in the modern church?