
Published: Feb. 16, 2020, 5 p.m.

Title: Slow

Scripture to Dwell On: Psalm 46, Ecclesiastes 3, Habakkuk 2:3, Mark 5, John 11, 1 Peter 5, James 1

Being Transformed:

1. This week take some time to evaluate if you have a hurry problem by trying a few simple tests. Make a conscious effort to walk slower. Try driving the speed limit without going over (I know we should be doing this anyway, but be honest....). Get into the longest checkout line and wait. When you think of someone this week stop and give them a call and talk for a few minutes rather than leaving it for later. 

2. When you test these areas of your life and slow down, did your anxiety level go up, or did you notice things or experience things you were not expecting? Did it leave you time to pray for more people, talk to God and turn your mind toward him? Did you find your ability to love others increase or decrease?

3. Talk to someone about your efforts this week and share your experience. Pray for one another and discuss ways you can make continued efforts to slow down and seek God's presence and love for his people over your own schedule.