Redefining Work

Published: March 8, 2020, 5 p.m.

Title: Redefining Work

Scripture to Dwell On: Genesis 1-3, Proverbs 16:3, Matthew 11, John 6, 1 Corinthians 10, Galatians 6, Colossians 3:23

Being Transformed:

1. Spend some time thinking about what motivates you to work. Who are what drives you to invest in your career, house work, and other labor that presents itself to you?

2. Write your thoughts out on this question. "Do you feel like the work you regularly do could actually make an impact on the Kingdom and God's purposes?"

3. Have a discussion with someone this week about what it would look like to let God redefine your work habits and the motivation that drives you to accomplish your work.