Let Them In

Published: Oct. 20, 2019, 4 p.m.

Title: In Home

Scripture to Dwell On: Proverbs 15:17, Luke 7, Luke 19:1-10, Acts 2:42-46, Acts 5:42, Acts 16, Acts 20:20, Romans 16, 1 Corinthians 16:19, Revelation 3:20

Continuing the Discussion: 

1. What house, other than your own, do you feel at home in? Can anyone say that about your home?

2. What are the benefits to building relationship within the context of the home verses conversations that take place out and about?

3. What are the challenges that keep us from inviting others into our home and every day life?

4. What first step can you take to initiating relationship outside of the Sunday gathering?