EP45: Someone Was Inside My Home

Published: Jan. 23, 2020, 9 a.m.

IG: @NightmareSocietyRadio

TW: @Society_Radio


Hello there Nightmare Society – no joke, my wife has been hearing some strange noises in the house lately, it’s got her freaked out. It’s a small reminder of the great dependance we consciously and subconsciously have in the safety of our home, our fortress, the one place we are supposed to NOT feel fear. Tonight’s stories completely shatter that notion.

Before we get started I wanted to say hello to a few people – Jake @elassar_25 who was the only one to guess the sound effect I was creating in my Instagram video with the toilet paper – we work with what we've got around here so excellent job Jake and thanks so much for being a listener. Hello to Brad New, Ross Bomber, Ashley Moore, Elanit, and Ryan Coggin – I appreciate you guys and I hope you continue to enjoy the show.

Now, on to the good stuff. Our first story is from an anonymous contributor and our main story tonight is from #FreeTater, they were kind enough to send me security footage proof of what’s going on at their house - I have seen it, but will not be sharing as it contains personal information – just trust me, it’s creepy.

So get comfy, and prepare yourself for another episode of the Nightmare Society.