EP137: Vulnerable

Published: Jan. 13, 2022, 10 a.m.

b"MERCH: http://nightmaresociety.threadless.com\\nCAMPFIRE: www.patreon.com/nightmaresociety\\nYOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/3I1iU3L\\nIG: @nightmaresocietyradio\\n\\xa0\\nHello again Nightmare Society, nice to see you all in the new year. I\\u2019ve gathered some particularly creepy stories for you guys tonight. As a warning, this episode has mention of children in dangerous situations, abuse, and generally depraved people. So if you\\u2019re sensitive to any of that, this is your warning.\\n\\xa0\\nFair warning, I\\u2019m also fighting losing my voice right now, so please excuse my voice condition for this episode.\\n\\xa0\\nThere are some reference photos for this episode, 2 for one episode, 1 for another.\\xa0 I would encourage you to only look at the photos as I instruct during the story as the next photos are spoilers. The photos are linked in the podcast description so just scroll down in your podcast app and click on it when instructed. If for some reason you don\\u2019t see the links, go to patreon.com/nightmaresociety and there will be a public post with the links provided.\\n\\xa0\\nPhotos - Don't look at these until instructed to in the story!\\nReference Photo #1: http://i.imgur.com/5SvsVhW.jpg\\nReference Photo #2: http://i.imgur.com/Yiu0MdM.jpg\\nReference Photo #3: http://i.imgur.com/hC9polp.png?1\\n\\xa0\\nSpeaking of Patreon, a big welcome to our newest member of the online campfire: Katherine, Astrid G., Carl S, David H., ZombieMetalHead1989, TJL. Thank you guys so much for joining, we\\u2019re so glad to have you.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nAt patreon.com/NightmareSociety you can join in for as little as a dollar per month, we have different levels of membership and different perks for each so if your\\u2019e interested be sure to check it out. It costs money and time to operate this podcast, so your small monthly patronage helps offset those costs. We officially have over a million downloads, but only 105 monthly memberships. So if you can, join in, and if you can\\u2019t, please make sure to share us with your friends, on your social media, leave us a good review, it all really helps us grow the podcast.\\n\\xa0\\nLast but not least, a big thanks to our contributors: u/WallyTheDogg, Lena B, A, u/hyerimyang and Anonymous\\n\\xa0\\nNow, get comfy and prepare yourself for another episode of the Nightmare Society.\\n\\xa0\\n\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\n\\xa0\\nGiant Wyrm Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)\\nLicensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License\\nhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/\\n\\xa0\\nUnseen Horrors Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)\\nLicensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License\\nhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/\\n\\xa0\\n\\u2014\\u2014\\u2014\\n\\xa0\\nTrue horror stories\\nLetsnotmeet\\nScary"