Man-Size in Marble by Edith Nesbit (Bonus 7)

Published: Aug. 14, 2023, 11 p.m.

b'"They do say, as on All Saints\' Eve them two bodies sits up on their slabs, and gets off of them, and then walks down the aisle, in their marble"

Many old ghost stories have the reputation of being cosy. Stories to tell around the fireside to provide listeners with a pleasant terror. One of the surprises about Edith Nesbit\\u2019s stories \\u2013 an author, let\\u2019s not forget, famous for her children\\u2019s classics \\u2013 is that they don\\u2019t hold back. Her stories aren\\u2019t guided by a Victorian sense of justice and morality, of righting wrongs and punishing hubris. Innocent people get hurt; happy couples are torn apart. Her stories are written not just to offer chills but to deliver a shocking blow at their climax.

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Tags \\u2013 Edith Nesbit Ghost Story, Classic Ghost Story, Traditional Ghost Stories, English Gothic Story, Gothic Podcast, Tales of Mystery & Supernatural, Classic Supernatural Story, English Gothic, Vintage Ghost Story, Victorian Ghost Story'