21 - Prince of Foxes part 1

Published: June 14, 2022, 11 p.m.

b"She saw him amongst the foxes. She became obsessed by him. And how she could escape her horrible life at home.

Season two of the podcast ends on an epic note, with this extended two-part supernatural story. This real account covers more years I think than any other in my archive of modern horror stories. It\\u2019s a reminder that ghosts don\\u2019t hide in obscure places, in old haunted houses, or historical ruins. They are all around us. They\\u2019re the people who slip through the cracks. People whose stories rarely get told.

If you'd like to support this UK horror podcast, just visit https://www.patreon.com/newghoststories

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New Ghost Stories Volume Three is available now - https://amzn.to/3DCiyhH"