07 - After the Flood (Ghost story for Christmas)

Published: Dec. 20, 2020, 4:10 p.m.

b"His home is flooded. Christmas is ruined. Now a ghost from the past has returned, to remind him where it all went wrong.

Our chilling ghost story for Christmas this year is about a man who has reached a crossroads in his life. It\\u2019s natural to be reflective in the festive season; another year is almost over, and we all find ourselves reconnecting with friends and family past and present. Some years, we may find ourselves thankful for all that we have. Some years we many look back with regret, and see only uncertainty ahead.

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Tags: Chistmas Ghost Story, Ghost Story for Christmas, Haunted, Haunting, Spooky, Spirit, Nightmare, Festive, True Ghost Story, Real Ghost Stories."