Netflix Book Club brings you episode 39, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World! It stars Steve Carell and Keira Knightley, two neighbors turned friends (OR MORE THAN FRIENDS?!) each on a respective mission to see through before the world comes to it's end. It's another apocalypse movie! And an interesting take on the subject. We also get a slew of comics and comedic actors in small side roles that really round out the film. But did we enjoy it? Listen to this week's episode to find out what we thought of the movie as well as what the movie brought out of us (whoa). Skip on over to the main site at, and be sure to leave us a comment. How would you spend your final days? What are some other recent stand out rom coms? Who's got the better jib, Keira or Winona? Be sure to come back next week where we'll be talking about the movie To Kill A Mockingbird. I heard they made a book out of it.