Time for Toads

Published: May 1, 2018, 10 a.m.


Toads are so cool! If you cannot find one make sure you take some kids hiking with you. They are great at finding toads. Join us as we explore many interesting things about the toad. Do you know how they drink water?

Our sources for this episode include:

  • Book \\u201cThe Hidden Life of a Toad\\u201d by Doug Wechsler - http://dougwechsler.com/pages/hidden-life-of-a-toad.php
  • American Toads - http://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Anaxyrus_americanus/
  • American Toad: The Animal Files - http://www.theanimalfiles.com/amphibians/toads/american_toad.html
  • What are these tiny toads? - http://askanaturalist.com/what-are-these-tiny-toads/
  • Do Toads Really Give You Warts? - https://wonderopolis.org/wonder/do-toads-really-give-you-warts