129: The Spiritual Journey from Suffering to Enlightenment with Marianne Williamson

Published: Aug. 15, 2016, 10:30 a.m.


MARIANNE WILLIAMSON is an internationally acclaimed author and lecturer. Six of her ten published books have been New York Times bestsellers. Four of these have been #1.

Her books include A Return to Love, which Deepak Chopra called \\u2018a classic\\u2019, A Year of Miracles, The Law of Divine Compensation, The Age of Miracles, A Course in Weight Loss, Everyday Grace, A Woman\\u2019s Worth, Illuminata, and The Gift of Change.

She has sold over 3 million copies!

The mega best seller - A Return to Love is considered a must-read.

A paragraph from that book reads \\u201cOur deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure\\u2026\\u201d This passage is considered an anthem for those that want to transform their lives.


To learn more about Marianne Williamson, please follow this link!

Make sure you purchase a copy of Marianne Williamson book here.

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