A Long Run in the Shadows

Published: July 12, 2022, 7 a.m.

b"In 1923 rural Oregon, a brazen daytime train robbery ended after a strong-arm takeover and a massive dynamite blast, deployed to open a safe containing an alleged fortune, destroyed the train's mail car, setting it ablaze. As it charred to ruin, one person was consumed in the fire and three others were brutally cut down by gunfire. These crimes resulted in a years-long manhunt for the three-man team who had fled far and wide from their epicenter. This is the story of The DeAutremont Brothers, their folly in taking after the Old West outlaws they had grown up worshiping, and the railcar they stopped one cloudless October afternoon: Train Number 13, The Gold Special. \\n\\nFor photos and sources for this case, visit the Murder in the Rain \\u201cEpisode 96. A Long Run in the Shadows\\u201d episode blog.\\n\\nThis episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. BetterHelp is customized online therapy that offers video, phone, and live chat sessions with a licensed therapist. For 10% off of you first month, go to https://www.betterhelp.com/murderintherain\\n\\nOur Sponsors:\\n* Check out Armoire and use my code RAIN for a great deal: http://www.armoire.style\\n* Check out undefined and use my code RAIN for a great deal: undefined\\n* Check out undefined: undefined \\n\\nSupport this podcast at \\u2014 https://redcircle.com/murder-in-the-rain/exclusive-content\\n\\nAdvertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands"