Ep 101: BOOM! Saying no to good to say YES to GREAT with Justin and Tara Williams

Published: Jan. 11, 2018, 3 a.m.


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In celebration of surpassing our 100th EPISODE, we are welcoming back all of the mentors, coaches and friends who have been instrumental in our Real Estate Journey. Today we have the honor of having Justin Williams back on our show. Joining him is his amazing wife, partner and Super Woman, Tara Williams. Justin and Tara are the creators of House Flipping HQs, six-figure flipping, seven-figure flipping, and now eight-figure flipping, which Justin actually first teased on our show many moons ago on episode 9. And Tara is also a very highly sought after personal coach. GETTING STARTED: Tara: "Well, we got married and I was a third grade teacher. And I was like, \\u201cOkay, I\\u2019d graduate in college. It was going to be my career. I\\u2019ll probably have some kids and then I\\u2019ll probably work at some point.\\u201d And my 25k cap was like, it was cap, it was a great job and I enjoyed it. And then Justin comes into my world. And it was like we can be good in anything. \\u201cYou\\u2019re at service Tara.\\u201d \\u201cWell, service is good. That\\u2019s a good theme.\\u201d And he\\u2019s got these big ideas and he wants to start businesses, that we\\u2019re going to make million dollars in the first summer and I was just like, \\u201cOkay, sounds awesome.\\u201d Justin: I was in college at the time. I never started business. My parents weren\\u2019t entrepreneur or anything, so it wasn\\u2019t like I really knew what I was doing. Other people have done it. Think about that. Tara: Yeah. And so, I was like, \\u201cOkay.\\u201d He\\u2019s always running numbers. He\\u2019s always like, \\u201cOkay, maybe these are the dish sales, these are my people and these are my offices. \\u201cThat\\u2019s a million dollars Tara!\\u201d I\\u2019m like, \\u201cYou\\u2019re right. That totally is a million dollars.\\u201d And so, we started that business. Justin: It was just a satellite dish, by the way. Tara: And it went pretty low when you\\u2019re in a rut, a school of hard knocks. We made a lot of mistakes, we did a lot of good things. And then, but the goal of that, we had learned or thought we knew, that a lot of wealth is created through real estate. And so, after what? A couple of years in that business? Justin: Yeah, after having lost a lot of money and getting a lot of debt, we worked our way out of that. We got into real estate."

Justin and Tara\'s real estate journey started when they found the masterminds and mentors and partners to help them to achieve their goals!!! HAVE YOU ALWAYS BEEN THAT COUPLE WHO HAS THE SAME MINDSET?: Justin: "Have we always been that couple?" Tara: "No. He\\u2019s always been that single. My response always at the beginning was, \\u201cWhoa, whoa, whoa. Ahaha. Ohhhh. Haahhh. Freak out, this is scary. This is crazy.\\u201d \\u201cDon\\u2019t say that. Don\\u2019t talk that.\\u201d \\u201cUhuh, we can\\u2019t be that!\\u201d When we got married, he would come to our family parties and he would actually say what he was thinking, and I go, \\u201cOh my gosh! You don\\u2019t just say what you are thinking. You don\\u2019t just do what you\\u2019re thinking.\\u201d Justin: She\\u2019s been super supportive even with all the ups and downs and my crazy shenanigans\\u2026 Tara: He has a lot of ideas and he just goes for things and it\\u2019s amazing. His belief is like... He always talks me into things and he\\u2019ll be like, \\u201cHey! Here\\u2019s what we do hon.\\u201d And my first response is usually like, \\u201cNo. No.\\u201d And then he\\u2019ll talk about it for a while and I\\u2019m like, \\u201cYeah. Oh that sounds amazing. We\\u2019ve got to do it.\\u201d And so, I\\u2019ve learned over the time, over the years, to kind of more be on the same page, more meet in the middle. I\\u2019m still usually the one who\\u2019s like, \\u201cOkay, that\\u2019s a bit too much. Let\\u2019s tone this in here.\\u201d He\\u2019s still the idea person. I\\u2019m more of the implementation to finish things through. I like to be more organized and structured and he\\u2019s like fly by the seat on one\\u2019s pants, talk to everybody. I go to a grocery store with a list and I\\u2019m going through the aisles looking through things. He usually goes to the grocery store and he\\u2019s like, \\u201cHey! Where\\u2019s the pickles? Somebody tell me.\\u201d We navigate differently but our different personalities work well." Justin: The number one tip that I would give to couples, or even partners, or employees\\u2026 we\\u2019ve worked up a lot of people. I have yet to find a person who is as awesome as me. I\\u2019m joking but I\\u2019m kind of serious, because obviously we act a certain way. We do things that we think are the best way to do things. Obviously we all think that we\\u2019re the most awesome. You can\\u2019t go around saying that because that\\u2019s not cool but what I found is, it\\u2019s so easy to focus on faults of other people. We focus especially in a spouse or a partner \\u2013 their qualities \\u2013 those are the things you think about, and let them know. A lot of times in a marriage or any relationship, people focus on the negative things. It\\u2019s like when you\\u2019re dating this guy you focus on the positive, and over time you focus on just the negative and those are the things that they hear, but if you really sit down and take time to think about all the amazing things that person does and you tell them, they\\u2019ll feel better, you\\u2019ll feel better, and you\\u2019ll recognize how amazing they are, because they really are, people who are amazing. You focus on those things, which just improves the entire relationship, which then improves the business." HOW DO YOU MAKE FAMILY AND BUSINESS WORK: Tara: How do we make it all work? Well, first of all, Google Calendar is my best friend besides Justin. You have to \\u2013 your life will get maxed. You\\u2019re going to be maxed on the home front, you\\u2019re going to be maxed on the business front. We\\u2019re very involved in our church so we\\u2019re going to be maxed on our church spiritual front or whatever hobbies that you got. Anyone has hobbies, and want to go on dates and \\u2013 Justin: We go on a date every other week\\u2026 Tara: So an amazing thing happens is when you put yourself in situations where there\\u2019s more on your plate than you can handle so you get maxed. And you can either respond to it and fall apart and shrink from it or you can take the opportunity to filter your life. You have to go through it and go, \\u201cThis isn\\u2019t important. This isn\\u2019t important. That\\u2019s got to go. That\\u2019s got to go,\\u201d on a daily basis. You can\\u2019t to do that, not going to get to that. I\\u2019m okay with that, I\\u2019m okay with that. This is what has to happen every day. These are the things that matter to me, these are the things that have to be worked on. So, it really is an amazing opportunity to let go of some of the things that aren\\u2019t really making you who you want to be. You have to learn to be more efficient with your time. You\\u2019ve got to learn to manage your energy more \\u2013 where you have energy left to do the work and also be with your family. You got to learn to let go of a lot of emotion; it\\u2019s not working for you. If you\\u2019re way down and you\\u2019re stressed and you\\u2019re falling apart, you\\u2019re not going to have anything for your family or anything for your marriage. You have to learn to work through your emotions. It\\u2019s an incredible opportunity to go, here you are maxed, what are you going to get rid of? What are you going to let go of? If you don\\u2019t, you\\u2019re going to stay stuck where you\\u2019re at or you\\u2019re going to crash burn... It\\u2019s this process of just continually letting go of something good for something better, so that you can keep progressing. It takes lots of little random things, simple time management, lots of conversation and lots of evolving. WORDS TO LIVE BY: \\u201cIt is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man or woman who\\u2019s actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasm, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.\\u201d HOW TO FIND JUSTIN AND TARA: www.HouseFlippingHQ.com So grateful to you for listening! Thank you! 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