616. How to use Criticism to Your Advantage

Published: June 16, 2020, 9:33 a.m.

Listen to how you can take things that aren't ideal and use them to your advantage.

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0:01 All right,

0:02 we are live getting started getting ready. We have a co host today. We do. So Leo, do we have a stage name? I'm not sure if we quite do potentially have stage name, but we might we might have a stage name we might. And if we could, you may find out what that is. But unfortunately right now, well, maybe not for sure. Maybe fortunately, we'll say he's preoccupied. So we're going to now figure out the next step here. Why are we in the

0:32 wrong?

0:34 the wrong one but we are here getting ready for a second cup of coffee live. Over there on Facebook is where we are. Lucy has joined us. So we are we are set. We are there. Potentially. Hey, sir. So we're live. Okay, fine. Fine. So we've made it that that took a minute but we were already up there at Facebook, but we had a little guest today. So our first guest is that Leo Yarusi Leo is now joining us. We're not sure how much he's going to join us because he's actually potentially preoccupied essentially tired at the same time. So it is second cup of coffee live. We are here today and we

1:14 got a lot that we can talk about. We have a lot that we're going to talk about. You're super excited

1:19 about what we're talking about today. We're talking about

1:23 criticism. Sure. We sure are so if you're ready,

1:26 doo doo doo doo doo doo.

1:32 All right, we are live.

1:36 Okay, everybody.

1:38 My phone right now.

1:42 All right, so we're live. It is second cup of coffee. This is Jason. I don't know. I said this is Jason but I guess I guess we did. I guess we're singing that out there. So we're live. Go over there. super appreciate everyone's been checking in which can get great feedback. Great comments. So super appreciate everyone who is really and yes thank you so much we love you guys too. It's been awesome so far. So we got Leo and Leo on the show as we have a Leo off to start the day which is a great way to go. So lots moving forward lots talking and today we want to tackle or talk about criticism and there's a lot to criticism and there's there's so many ways in social media opens up where it's almost like you have criticism that's now one on one between you your circle or people you actually speak to. And then there's this whole other wave of criticism that exists now of, of almost like a battle that can can come up on social media where people maybe don't necessarily agree with someone's view or someone's take work. Ideally, they don't even listen or even read through it. And unfortunately, a lot of a lot of you know, headlines out there. Sometimes headline can be misleading to the actual point. So We want to talk about, you know, using criticism to your advantage because there's just there's days, there's times that you do want to listen to others you do want to take into account and ultimately you do want to hear what others are saying, because it allows you to have a different perspective or see from a different viewer, or maybe rethink what you're doing. But ultimately, you can't, you can't be afraid to, to not feel or not do what you feel is right. Just because criticism may come and it will, it will honor your point. I mean, you talk to any professional out there out there, their pride that some of the best cases is that you know, they're they're trying to do something at the highest level and they're getting attacked to probably you know, and we'll say let's say attack them right away. They're getting criticized and in a way that every time they go into a, a an opponent's arena. There are people there that that probably are seeing stuff that's not great. We're don't want good for that. See, right. So But they haven't dived in, you know, they may not see what that other team is, um, you know what they do behind the curtain. So like the charitable work or what they do to get to that point, it's just that my team is this. So that other team is no good. And sometimes that's a lot with criticism, you see a lot with, you know, anything, right? You can think about people bringing up something new as a new, you know, a new invention or new, whatever would be the case, right? So bring that in to say that, okay, we're going to try this, but since it hasn't been adapted, or hasn't seen before, you know, like, you can think of anything, right. So, you know, it turns great. And then it turns back, right, the introduction of the microwave, and then the microwave. You know, Expedia eats fast food and fast food becomes this great thing. And now, you know, you create these large sizes of fast food. So it's invention, but then it gets kicked back because now it's creating a whole nother Society of obesity. But now there's people that attack that at the same time, there's people that continue to push a message because that's, that's something that really continues to grow their narrative. So you have to look at how can The criticism helped me propel me. And it pushed me forward to use that if I know I'm doing right to, to move forward in a great way, or is another way that I can think of something to improve what I'm doing on, or do I just completely disregard it. You know, sometimes social media, you'll see people like Joe Rogan talk about you, when he posts you read the comments, because obviously, there's a lot there. And there might be one comment that could be helpful, but a lot of times as people, you know, there's a there's a certain point where you can stay in behind the keyboard, and there's no, no, there's no closest or proximity to the to the other person you're speaking to. So people will say stuff that are really aggressive, right? Because there's nothing there where where, in fact, if you put two people in the same room where they can have a conversation, and that conversation could be helpful where people could talk together? Well, you probably have a much different outcome because it's not people you know, standing on something where there's there's a dividing wall that covers you to quote the internet.

5:51 So if

5:54 that kind of just happened to be right now I was I went to go check social which is probably something I Shouldn't do before I before I go live to talk to everyone. But for the most part of my my social finds, finds the amazing people in the world. If you know me, I push kindness I push action and taking action through to positivity and good works and through faith and reaching out your hand to help people. So, and I'm gonna I'm kind of gonna quote Gary Vee on this because he was giving, he was giving a speech to a to a young lady who was dealing with the negative talk that was on her thread. So the thing is, people out there if you find that somebody has commented negatively on anything that you've posted, especially in these days, I challenge you to take a breath because they're criticizing you from a place within their It's something within them that feels the need to be hateful. Or disregarding of your feelings, especially if they don't know you. And like Jason said, there's, we have this screen we, I mean, technology today is amazing because we can reach out and touch each other in different ways. And sometimes those ways can be very, very negative. When that happens to you, I challenged challenge you. I'm having a hard time breathing right now, because it was it was mean. But I challenge you to react in kindness, compassion and sympathy. Because something in them is wrong. If you are coming from a place of light and goodness and kindness and you are coming from a place of

7:58 right

8:01 Right and wrong can be can be construed a whole bunch of different ways. And that's a whole different conversation that we can have at a later date. But if you're coming from kindness and you know, deep down the kindness is

8:14 then I challenge you to take a deep breath right now, folks, take the deepest breath, you can

8:23 reply if you're going to reply with kindness and compassion or don't reply

8:30 comes down to

8:32 what is it that can be great in relationships in partnerships in just life is just listening, right? I think we we talk and ultimate everybody wants to be heard. But if we spend too much time talking, then we're forgetting most important part in that that's listening, right? And that's listening on where where we can where we can help, right and if we're going to push forward and just react without really hearing then it's It's not going to create a solution, right? Because because we're pushing forward, right? So if I'm associate the running, right so so I've my reaction is that as I'm running and I'm 3040 5060 miles in, and it's my knee and my knees bugging me and hurting it there. I may say, Well, when my knees hurting, that's my initial reaction but but if I listened to my body, listen to the problem and look at what I'm doing it till it running on my hip that's caused some problems and he changed my running style. It's not so much my knee, but it's the, the position of my hip that's causing any problem or it's actually you know, the, the socks I have, like, I've worn compression socks and that time, I would think I'm having a problem I need it's because I've worn a different sock and I pull the sock too high and it's cutting them off the wrong circulation in a point in my leg and it's been producing pressure on my knee. So if we're so quick to react that this is the problem without thinking Through. Okay, let's stop looking at problems. Let's Let's rephrase everything what can we do to create a create a solution? And it's sometimes it's it's hard to do, right? Sometimes it's hard to say, Okay, I see the solution. I see the end. And you know, again back to running, right? If I was to say what a solution is to finish the hundred miles, yes. Okay, I got it. But what is the what is that first step right there. There's, there's now the ultimate goal, but then what does that immediate step we need to do? That gives us the ability to get to the ultimate goal. So going back to take criticism, right, yeah, we have to be using that to our advantage and to to one, learn to of course, continue to hear and to be better, but to we want to completely be, we want to be critical in the right ways to ourselves, right. constructive criticism is useful, useful in everybody's life. It helps you. You want people to look at what you're doing, because sometimes we get so close to an activity and if we're so close to it, we miss to certain points, right? It's like that, that part of that, hey, I need to get right there to the other side of that wall. And that is my destiny, my goal, and I just tunnel away and I beat away for years and years and years. I got there, I did it. I did it. But imagine took all that back. And within the first couple of days, you ask someone to come out there and give you some advice on what you're doing. And they say, Oh, I see. I get that and go, that's a super goal. And why don't you just walk over 10 feet, there's a door over there. And you go, wow. And you take that home and you walk over to get to the door, you've knocked all those years off your life, you accomplish the same goal, right? So it goes to what is the point that we can use criticism constructively to, to to our ability to continue to be to be better to be to be something that we want to continue to grow into and grow and be our best self. And it's it's a learning phase, right? It's always a learning phase.

11:54 Now I mean, when it comes down to it, criticism Can you can either use it for the positive You can use it for negative, whether it's good criticism and bad criticism. Sometimes the good criticism can be just as bad as the good stuff because you kind of, if you get too many people telling you, you're awesome, you're so cool. You're, you're all that, then you're resting on your lawyer laurels, you think you're doing the best job, whereas you could be doing even better. So what can you do to step it up to the next level? And then I always come back to this, it comes down because criticism is basically opinion and whose opinion matters the most? Like, is it yours? Or is it those of the outside world? Is it those and who are you going to listen to? Who are you really, really, really going to listen to Who are you going to reach out to say, I'm going to listen to you? Because the thing is, you could actually at least you can let criticism build you up. And or you can let criticism tear you down. So those that are meant to tear you down, find ways to take that criticism and turn it around into something that you can build on, or just ignore it, just simply ignore it. Because if it's not going to help you, then chances are, it's just going to hurt you. So just choose to be the bigger person and use the criticism, either good, or ignore it.

13:25 And sometimes you'd have to put your head down, move forward and not hear any noise because because they're appointed to listen, but there's also a point that you just have to push down move forward because there's always going to be someone who wasn't hasn't reached that level. They're they're not ready for their their, their, their, their minds, not at that point, or they're just they have different tracks or anything and you see this in all different points in you know, in school admissions and everything else and you have to think Well, okay, I just have to push forward because I know that this is what is helpful for the goal right and helpful, and I might goodness in what I'm doing. So I have to push forward to see what can come of it. And if you sit there and listen every point, you're just gonna waste a ton of time, but Also, you just have to continue to move and say, okay, you know, I can look back, or I can continue to push forward and doing what I'm doing. In my heart. I know this is the right thing. So we are we probably, yeah, so and I apologize over on over on Facebook, it looks like we got some things where it didn't quite quick over, click over for whatever reason, sometimes zoom plays tricks on us, but syllabi, right? So that's what it is so, so another day. So what are we working on? We are date 1314 to 75 heart rate day 1314. Yeah, it's cool that it's actually becoming pretty good and consistent here. It's now we've been doing intermittent fasting throughout. So really about 13 hours, give or take off and 11 on Yeah, and so that's been pretty consistent in about six and night and then again, about seven the next day. And that's, you know, that that's been good. It's been it's been engaging and you find that you just continue You know, we're pretty consistent with our with our diets anyway. So it's not a point but it's just we add on a layer just to give more of a more of a step for us to really just formalize because the more we do this you know, study how hard you do it and then then you use what you can into life right so now for us some of this continues to build and build into life. So when we stop the 75 days, not everything is that okay, we continue this but there's points of it that that continue to build and a lot of this says that you know, on, on mental toughness on an effort to push yourself through when things are not ideal, and really, one thing is perfect, right? There's there's perfect moments but situations that do not usually they don't work out as ideal. So we're gonna continue to grow as we do. And you know, in terms of our workouts, it is 15 minute mark, so it's halfway through your workout. Hopefully you're crushing out there because Matt

15:52 was doing a 50 as well.

15:57 Good, good. Well, 50 pushups a day policeman rocking them out. So So you're on day two?

16:01 And on day two, and I actually, I did, I did do the 50 push ups yesterday, within like six and a half minutes. Or not yesterday, the day before yesterday when they won. And then yesterday I did in four and a half minutes. So I'm getting better. Let's see what today brings is always the second day.

16:17 Yeah, to put two push ups to Yeah, so get stronger. Right. So I remember a while ago, when you were just really getting into the push ups. Right? So that's the point, right? You got to build into it, I think, you know, just start doing them, right? You build into it, and you have to figure out your rhythm, your pacing, and that goes with a lot of things. And everything you know, from from really just your how to raise your kids you know, you can't push, push, push, push on it, learn, learn, learn, you know, there has to be a part where you create that rhythm you create that consistency in the same thing with you know, just the way you work out the way you treat your finances. You have to create that, that ability to allow it to maximize through incremental gains. Right so for this That's been fun just knocking off 50 push ups, get that in and get into our workout. So it's been usually the lead in for my afternoon workout for that. So we are going to continue to move right, continue to have a good day here

17:10 and have a good day continue to push forward, continue to build upon everything that we are doing on a daily basis. If there's anything, if there's anybody out there that needs help, needs a know, if you just want to talk.

17:24 Yeah, so lots of these are topics that are coming up for you guys. So we thank you for sending over the topics tomorrow we're gonna talk about, you know, commitment, right, so So when you say something, to follow that up with action, right. So when you say you're gonna do something, well, let's do it. And that's the talk track for tomorrow. We're going to lead into their strong. It is Tuesday, it is Tuesday. Yeah. So after a short week, last week, went to a full week this week, but they roll into the kids. We got kids over there who who are going back to having to get some naps and because I've had some tired kids and maybe that's us doing a good job as a parent potentially. We're given too much activity one or

18:01 the other time,

18:02 outside a lot outside so it's been it's been super to have that. But we got our little point there a tears, tears from the youngest, which hopefully means that he just wants to sing a song but for that Happy Tuesday, second cup of coffee live. Thank you again for checking us out. See you tomorrow.

18:31 I forgot our outro but for that point we'll get to in tomorrow

18:44 Why did you not work? Oops

21:20 Yes,

21:23 let me see Mommy's here.

21:54 Get back to you.

21:57 post this on your personal page. Thank you.

22:01 What's your password again, like some days it

22:04 should be

22:25 You are so you want some water

22:34 web

22:37 impressed by you always

23:05 You're very handsome guy.

23:09 All right, I got it.

23:12 What do you want the screen water? Say water.

23:17 What are

23:19 you are good, good coast. You need to do some kind of song like,

23:25 like Andy milonakis where you look very young but you're really old and you offer old ladies beer or something You

24:03 want to see what I did? That's so cool

24:11 so one of the things I learned yesterday we had the university homes logo and all their

24:16 YouTube things.

24:24 Again, welcome to subscribe.

24:27 You see what happened. So here is if you want to improve will help improve your Well

24:33 yeah, any video now go here.

24:38 Good job daddy. So you can subscribe

24:41 right away through the decoder to grow healthy fellows Trapper

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