544: FIT. RICH. LIFE. - 75 and Sunny

Published: March 2, 2020, 8:55 p.m.

You wake to a brisk cold 28-degree day you shiver and wish you could just go back to bed or it\u2019s 45 out along with a miserable rain. Maybe it\u2019s 97 and scorching hot, whichever your dislike your mood immediately sinks, succumbs to the negative and your day starts on the wrong track.

You stub your toe, your throat hurts, you found out Jared got that promotion that should have been yours\u2026 you spend all night trying to get your daughter to stop crying\u2026 the news spews horrors about someone getting stabbed 150 miles away or a robbery or a mudslide on the other side of the country polluting our brain and labeling our day destined to be doom and gloom.

Sound familiar?

Why is it that with so many choices that so frequently we can\u2019t be choose to be content? Instead the uncontrollable leads our emotions and grasps our conscience opinion of our day and our future.

Well what if today we choose that it is 75 and sunny and so will be everyday that follows. 75 and sunny or whatever is that perfect day and mood.

Why can\u2019t it be?

What is stopping you from have your perfect. Why fear the cold or let what others say set you down.

Well, today I challenge you. I challenge you to just tomorrow choose it to be 75 and sunny. Make it yours. Just find that little good daily.

Here are ten ways you can take back your day.

1. Smile \u2013 studies show that the simple act of making yourself smile can\u2019t completely alter your state and mood for the better. 2. Meditation \u2013 setting space to allow your mind to calm can give you the advantage you need to face life\u2019s obstacles. 3. Saying thank you \u2013 the gesture can surely change your mental and put the focus on gratitude and off of the negative. 4. Two minutes focused breathing \u2013 breath in and breath out like you are blowing out a birthday candle. After the sixth breath your body will find a relaxing state. 5. Say no excuses \u2013 Jocko Willick uses this to surpass mental blocks like getting up at 4am. It works. 6. Put the focus outward on others \u2013 you get back what you give. Give positivity and your day will be destined for the same. 7. Visualize your perfection \u2013 take five minutes and shut your eyes and think about every detail of what your perfect day and life is. The more specific the better. 8. Be happy you are you \u2013 Aristotle said that if everyone in the world combine all their problems and then split them equally each of us would be dying to have our old problems back. 9. Lets do this \u2013 my personal favorite. Anytime I am stuck I just say this and get going. It\u2019s not always easy but it is always possible. 10. Just move \u2013 motion is your friend and your partner. Make motion and make progress. Whether it is lifting, running, pumping your arms, dancing or singing. The motion brings you energy.

So today is 75 and sunny and so will be tomorrow. I challenge you to look up and take in the sunshine. Just today. Just now.

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