Season 2 Episode 6-Season Finale, The Key

Published: Jan. 3, 2022, 9:30 p.m.

b'A partial reunion. Simon overhears something important. A secret group gets together. Someone is in Danger. And what is ..THE KEY! Starring Happiness Cater, MatthewTheall! Also starring Kristina Sullivan, Kiersten Marie, Doug Hess, Dave Bowman, Brian Person and Jeremy Oh as Carter Kane!
Created/Produced/Written by James Lott Jr And Jaime Molina. Directed by James Lott Jr.
The Key is by Matthew Theall, Happiness Carter and James Lott Jr.
Music by Palmez. Lyrics byJames Lott Jr.
Mistle toe Road theme song byJames Lott JR and Palmez.'