184 - Galaxy's Child

Published: April 28, 2016, 7 a.m.

b'There is a baby space something attached to the Enterprise,\\nfeeding on its energy, and jeopardizing the lives of everyone on\\nthe ship. But Geordi has bigger problems: his real life crush just\\nfound out about the holographic simulation he made of her! Can they\\nwork through their issues and save the ship? Find out when we put\\nGalaxy\\u2019s Child in the Mission Log.\\nGot something to say? We want to hear it:\\nOn Facebook: facebook.com/missionlogpod\\nOn Twitter: @missionlogpod\\nOn Skype: missionlogpod\\nOn the phone: (323) 522-5641\\nOnline: http://missionlogpodcast.com\\nWe may use your comments on a future episode of Mission Log.'