106 - Haven

Published: Oct. 2, 2014, 7 a.m.

b'The Enterprise is on its way to an almost magical planet for a little rest and relaxation. But there is no rest for Counselor Troi. Her mother is coming and she is bringing the man Deanna is to wed, along with his family. But he is plagued by images of a dream-girl who is not Deanna. And speaking of plagues, what should the Enterprise do about that ship full of plague ridden people headed for the planet? Rest and relaxation are not on the agenda when we put Haven in the Mission Log.\\nGot a message for us:\\nTell us on Facebook:\\xa0\\nOn Twitter:\\xa0\\nOn Skype: MissionLogPod\\nOn the phone: (323) 522-5641\\nOnline:\\xa0\\nWe may use your comments on a future episode of Mission Log'