101 - Where No One Has Gone Before

Published: Aug. 28, 2014, 7 a.m.

b'The Enterprise is a ship of exploration. It does a lot of traveling. So how can a guy who calls himself The Traveler shake up everything the Enterprise crew knows? And who\\u2019s the jerk he\\u2019s riding around with? Find out when Mission Log goes\\u2026 Where No One Has Gone Before.\\n\\xa0\\nDon\\u2019t be a Kosinski. Let us here from you:\\n\\xa0\\nOn Facebook: \\n\\xa0\\nOn Twitter: \\n\\xa0\\nOn Skype: MissionLogPod\\n\\xa0\\nOn the phone: (323) 522-5641\\n\\xa0\\nOnline: \\n\\xa0\\nYou can even say something nice about the computer!'