076 - The Cloud Minders

Published: Jan. 23, 2014, 8 a.m.

b'Kirk and Spock discover - then take part in - a fight between tradition and progress, between prejudice and civil rights, between the haves and have-nots. You\\u2019ll climb from the deepest depths and soar the highest heights when we put The Cloud Minders in the Mission Log.\\n\\nHave something to say? Let your voice be heard!\\n\\nOn Facebook: facebook.com/missionlogpod\\n\\nOn Twitter: @missionlogpod\\n\\nOn Skype: MissionLogPod\\n\\nOn the phone: (323) 522-5641\\n\\nOnline: \\n\\nWe may use your comments on the show!\\n\\n\\nSpecial thinks to this week\\u2019s sponsor, Connected Data. Find out what they have to offer and get 10% your order with offer code MLOG at\\xa0!'